Tally Chart of Favourite Pet
Early Years Numeracy / Maths
Whole class task
Children vote for their favourite pet.
Discuss recording votes as a tally chart.
Count the votes and write the number in the last box.
Editable Word document is included, as well as a PDF.
Fill in the missing numbers
10 - 15
15 - 20
I printed these out, laminated them in strips. The children write the missing number with a whiteboard pen, lower ability children place a number magnet in the correct place.
Actions and Instruments -
Children used the flash cards to make a pattern with actions. Children took turns making the pattern for the rest of the group to make. Use 2D shapes for children to follow a pattern also.
Repeating Pattern Snakes -
My children used their fingers to paint a pattern on the snakes. My top group were encouraged to make 3 changes.
Counting 1p and 2p Coins - Reception Numeracy
DIfferentiated worksheets x4
My Reception children counted the coins in the purses and put the answers in the price tag.
x2 worksheets
Colour in half of the squares (lower ability)
Colour in half of the shape (middle ability)
Draw a line to show half of the shape using a ruler (higher ability)
Reception - Recognise Numbers to 10
Highlight/tick the number as you show your child flash cards.
Write/type your children’s names along the left side of the table.
I also use this to assess number formation. I make notes about reversing numbers or poor formation in the comments box.
Early Years Maths
Numeracy Provision
Cut and laminate the patterns in strips.
Provide plastic / real coins for children to make repeating patterns in the maths area.
Challenge children to make their own patterns.
Enhanced provision activity mats
Early Years / Reception / Year 1
1 more and 1 less - laminate the sheets and encourage children to use objects (cubes, counters, compare bears) to find 1 more/1 less.
Outdoor learning - laminate the sheets and encourage children to find natural materials to find 1 more/1 less than the number in the middle of the table.
Worksheet - roll the dice and add 1 more/take 1 away and record your answer
Worksheet - count the pictures in the centre column, then add 1 more/take 1 away and record your answer. To differentiate for MAT children, can they write the number. To make it easier, children can record answers using drawings.
Worksheet - use the number line to record 1 more or 1 less than the number.
Worksheet - circle which picture has more/less
Editable Word document & PDF copy provided
Worksheet - match the initial sound to the day of the week. Copy from the day from the word mat.
Worksheet - cut out the days of the week and stick them to the correct initial sound.
Worksheet - to write which day it will be tomorrow and which day it was yesterday.
Worksheet - daily routine. Draw a picture/write what you do on each day of the week. There are some picture of our week for ideas.
Seasons - draw a line from the season to the correct picture.
I’ve included the Word document (editable) and a PDF copy.
PDF & Editable Word document included
Flashcards of repeating patterns with 2D shapes to use in the enhanced provision as a stimulus to encourage the children to either copy or make their own repeating patterns.
Cutting skills activity for a TA task or in the provision. Children need to colour in then cut out the 2D shape.
Worksheet - look for the 2D shapes in the top half of the page. Write the correct number of shapes in the box.
Worksheet - 2D shape hunt record answers in a table (Differentiated for 3 ability groups).
Worksheet - tick the correct shape. Staff member to read out the sentence. E.g.‘Tick the circle’. Children need to search for the circle and tick it.
During subtraction week, we carried out 3 activities.
We used the ‘Playdough Smash’ laminated sheet to make blobs of playdough up to 10. Then we used whiteboard pens to write subtraction number sentences. When children took numbers away, they smashed the playdough then counted to see how many were left.
We used the purse and the 10 frame to pay for items in the shop. We started with 10p (1p in each square) the we took pennies away to find out how much we had left.
We used the differentiated worksheets to cross out the objects to see how many were left.